About Me

Welcome to my blog. If you are coming from my old Blogger - TwistedTripper's Abyss site then I hope you aren't too dismayed by the rude redirect. It is my hope that this new look site will not disappoint and rest assured the name change and new look is merely superficial makeup and the rantings that you've come to loathe is still in the same jest. I am reserving the TwistedTripper's Abyss name for the website that I am in the process of building, well it's in the imaginative stage presently but it is there in the ether ready for me to take action. I am researching albeit at a snails pace the best approach (which involves hacking someone else's design...but that's our little secret) and as time crawls, there is still some time before the end arrives to come to some haphazard mock up of a website for the domain twistedtripper.com. I've imported the old posts from Blogger into this WordPress powered site, however the formatting has gone a little awry. If I ever get my head around coding I'll fix them up.

Just for a little introduction for those that are new; I'm a Generation Xer in a state of disillusioned mania embarking upon a journey of self discovery (or distraction?), which will invariably involve falling into an abyss of mad ranting and pseudo intellectual ravings about nothing in particular. Consequently, I will drag whoever stumbles my way into this unknowable reality and hopefully whilst you are taken hostage by the nonchalant meanderings of nothingness, you'll somehow be entertained and in some twisted way you'll walk away from the trip knowing how fortunate you truly are.

In essence this blog represents an inner dialogue that I wish to share with a readership, who I'm not sure even exists, nevertheless I will endeavour to articulate this dialogue in a coherent fashion; if only for aesthetics sake (or ego's sake...gotta do something with time). I have no set agenda, nor do I wish to adhere to a set topic, so the rantings present on these pages will be a free for all expression of whatever nuance I might find amusing at the time of writing. I ought to confess that I have a cynical bent, so predominate themes in this part of the blogosphere will entail a cosmos filled with fear, control and disenchantment.

I live in Australia where I am lucky enough to have an opportunity to express freedom of speech, however, I have grave concerns about the mass hypnosis which lulls the senses and thought processes in the heart of this "sun burnt country" and I will undoubtedly vent these concerns from time to time, although ashamedly I must admit, venting has little to do with action. I claim not to be any sort of activist. In truth I'm far too apathetic, selfish and disillusioned to really have a fiery passion for any cause other than the small world in which I live, however, in a last ditch effort to redeem myself from utter dissolution I have a voice in this drowning void of bits and bytes to at least wring out the grey water troubling this washed out mind.

Enjoy the ride :) If you like what you see why not subscribe, there are RSS feeds to the site, feel free to bookmark them. Comments will be moderated and you'll have to register to post comments but don't let that deter you. There may be a delay of several hours before the comments are visible, sorry but I'm paranoid about spam bots so please bear with me.

TwistedTrippers Mug Shot

TwistedTripper (aka Jyri)