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Well the day is pretty much over. What have I achieved today? Nothing! Sweet FA! I uninstalled Zone Alarm Pro version and reinstalled the previous version with some umming and ahhing about whether I even need the damn program, considering my modem/router has an in built hardware firewall. Is another firewall really necessary? I even installed Windows defender for some unknown reason. Here I am contemplating going down the Linux road and I’m installing more MS products. I must be absolutely mad! Am I totally paranoid? Security has gone a little too far. What am I…Fucking ASIO? What is with me? Am I that bored that I need Windows Defender…Like any Microsoft product is going to be safe and secure.
Anyway I haven’t much going on. Nothing much to talk about tonight. Just my paranoia. Maybe I should just go to bed. Simple solution to a not so simple day.
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